Reducing anxiety, and prioritising ME!

Reducing anxiety, and prioritising ME!

"I attended ‘The Switch’ because I wanted to reduce anxiety, improve my sleep and reduce general feelings of fatigue associated with the above. I noticed when feeling anxious, I could prolong decision-making to make the perfect decision, then spend time doubting my decision, all of this taking up mental energy and time for enjoying life.

After The Switch, I felt my mental clarity and energy were amazing. I found myself making decisions about things in my life and moving onto the next decision, rather than staying stuck. I knew intuitively the things I wanted to say yes to and the things I wanted to say no to.

I prioritised me and time for me. Previously I had put my husband and children before me. Now I put myself in an equal position and occasionally ahead of them. This means prioritising time for me to do the things I enjoy in life to refill my tank.

I have arranged next year to reduce my work to 2 days a week to allow time to make our home more personally and psychologically comfortable and take time to get clear about my career direction. I have registered to attend a relationship course with my husband.

In addition to those with chronic conditions, I would recommend The Switch to people who feel like their life is going along okay and know it could be even more amazing."

(Note: Client wished for this post to be anonymous).

Are You Ready For The Switch?