Can kinesiology help your health?

Can kinesiology help your health?

Hear my experiences of training in kinesiology and see the range of health issues it can help

For over a decade, I have been working with the mind and emotions to resolve physical health conditions, and I have seen spectacular results. I view the body as a barometer of our emotional state—when we resolve emotional issues, we remove blocks in the body, allowing natural healing to take place.

Recently, I have been training in a kinesiology technique called Brain and Body Synergy (BBS). The core belief of this approach is that the brain should control the organs in the body, and if for some reason, the brain becomes unaware of a malfunction within the systems of the body, through trauma or viral, bacteria or parasite activity, the body becomes distressed and illness can arise. Using muscle testing, practitioners identify which connections are down and reinstate them to promote healing.

For 20 years, I have found this technique helpful for fixing viruses and other acute issues but for me personally it didn't resolve my more persistent chronic fatigue syndrome.  It was as if I were fixing a fuse that kept blowing because the root cause hadn’t been resolved. It was NLP that led me to wellness (hence why I became a practitioner!).

Last year, I did my Beginners BBS training primarily for personal use because I was sick of feeling scared of catching colds/flu/COVID and limiting myself in some social settings. I really enjoyed the training. It was fastest paced learning I have done in years and my mind was totally boggling at having to learn all my acupuncture pulse points, cranial nerves and organ links in a very short space of time.  It served its purpose though. I have resolved several colds within one hour, plus both my parent's COVID in 1-2 days, plus my husband's flu in 2 days.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to explore the Advanced training.

Advanced Brain and Body Synergy Training

Day 1: Reconnecting the Brain and Body

The first day revised an essential five-page protocol that, while complex, serves as a powerful tool to reconnect organs with the brain. This technique enhances overall health and pinpoints which organs need further attention during a session. During the Beginners training, I totally missed the significance of this piece and have not used it since.

We learnt how to test for dangerous proteins and DNA damage in cells, how to lower cortisol levels (that could be very helpful to many of my anxious clients!), how to balance sugars and histamines and run digestive cleanses.

Another one that intrigued me was a test for myelin sheath damage, since this can lead to Multiple Sclerosis. I have seen some wonderful results for MS among people who attended my programme, The Switch, which approaches illness by calming the stress response and resolving the emotional patterns behind the illness. So I found it very interesting to be seeing different ways to address the same problem.


Day 2: Challenges and Insights

Day 2 was tougher—partly because I was exhausted from a late night (oops!) and partly because I struggled with a specific test for anxiety, depression, and neurotransmitter balance. I kept getting incorrect results when testing a fellow participant, leading to frustration and near tears.

I stepped outside for ten minutes and did several Switches on myself to calm down. When I returned, I successfully followed the protocol. Still, I found it challenging to address anxiety and depression purely on a physical level, as my professional approach focuses on uncovering and resolving the root emotional experiences. However, I remain curious about whether this method could be another piece of the healing puzzle.

Memory Loss, Alzheimer's, Endometriosis and Food Intolerances

I was particularly interested in techniques for memory loss and Alzheimer’s—how comforting to have tools for early intervention! I’ll definitely be incorporating these protocols into my practice.

We also learned a technique for treating endometriosis. In my experience, resolving emotional trauma stored in the womb has led to profound endometriosis results—clients have experienced pain-free periods within one cycle, and I’ve even received photos of their miracle babies conceived after using The Switch. Seeing a purely physical approach to endo was surprising, but I remain open-minded about integrating this method.

We then moved on to intolerance testing using vials. The Switch has been incredibly effective in clearing intolerances by helping people calm their stress response and shift negative associations with certain substances. The vial testing, however, could add a concrete, measurable element, allowing clients to track their progress and know when they can safely reintroduce foods.

Day 3: Detoxification and Supplement Testing

Day 3 was a great day! I navigated the protocols smoothly and learned how to test for toxins like mercury, insecticides, and cadmium from cigarettes, as well as vitamin and mineral imbalances using a wider range of vials.

Interestingly, I tested positive for mercury poisoning. While holding the vial, my hand throbbed for five minutes as the correction took place, and I felt energy moving through my body. Once the sensation stopped, I tested negative for mercury. The trainer shared a case of a young boy whose health and behaviour dramatically improved after clearing mercury toxicity.

I was surprised that I was imbalanced for magnesium and CoQ10, despite taking supplements daily for a year. How could I be deficient?  Then it occurred to me that maybe I have too much?  Research revealed that excessive intake of these supplements can lead to health issues, suggesting that my doses might have been too high. With this new balancing method, I’m hopeful that I won’t need supplements anymore—my body may now regulate its levels naturally.

The trainer shared her experience with B12 deficiency, which had required her to get injections every three months. Despite temporary relief, her levels would drop so low that she fainted. Since using this testing and balancing method, she has never needed B12 injections again!

Detecting and Correcting Irregular Cells

One of the most exciting protocols we learned was testing for irregular cells that could develop into cancer. The ability to detect and correct these early—before mainstream tests can—is remarkable. However, I firmly believe that emotional clearing is a crucial part of cancer healing. My belief is that many (though not all) cancers form where deeply held trauma has caused tension and blocked energy, disconnecting the brain and body and allowing irregular cells to grow undetected by the Immune System.

The trainer shared stories of people, even those with terminal cancer, who experienced remarkable recoveries using her method. While I haven’t worked with many cancer clients yet, I recall one woman scheduled for a double mastectomy. After a session with me resolving emotional trauma, her breast pain subsided, and over a week, her lumps shrank so significantly that the surgeon postponed her surgery, and later cancelled it altogether! Releasing the trapped emotions had allowed her body to heal at an astonishing rate.

Day 4: One-on-One Training and Final Thoughts

The final day consisted of a one-on-one session with the trainer to address my questions, followed by a session swap. Practicing on my host the night before had been invaluable, helping me to get familiar with the protocols and know which questions I needed to ask.

Receiving a session from my trainer gave me an overview of how all the techniques fit together. We had already performed numerous corrections on each other during the training, but new insights continued to emerge. I then gave her an NLP session, which she found incredibly helpful. She typically views health through the lens of brain-body links, so experiencing it through an emotional-body lens was an interesting change.

Then, I flew home, utterly exhausted! I curled up on the couch with my husband and cat, watching TV before heading to bed early.

My Next Steps: Practicing on My Guinea Pig!

My husband is next on my list—though he doesn’t know it yet! (Haha!) I know he’ll be happy to receive a session, as my work after my Beginner’s course helped him recover from the flu within 24 hours. I’ll be practicing on family for a while before I feel fully confident in my skills—but watch this space!

Your Next Steps: Brain-Body or Emotions-Body?

If you are intrigued to do either of these courses and learn the techniques yourself, visit Brain and Body Synergy

For anyone who is wondering if I could help them in a 1-1 kinesiology session, get in touch over the next couple of months once I've had some practice time!

And if you're keen to approach your health from an emotion-body perspective, definitely come and see me now!  I have 15 years experience in helping thousands of people resolve health issues this way. We have entry level Webinars right through to our deluxe live training programme, The Switch, which sees our highest success rates of around 80%, despite clients having been ill for an average of 9.66 years and despite 75% of them having been told by doctors that they are incurable.

Your body is designed to be a self-healing mechanism and maintain good health for you.  If it can't do that, something is in the way.  Both of these techniques provide possibilities for resolving the blocks that are in the way of good health. 

Trust that you can RECOVER!

Are You Ready For The Switch?