Bed bound in hospital with Long-COVID, to thriving!

Bed bound in hospital with Long-COVID, to thriving!

Incredible recovery from severe Long-COVID with Next Steps webinar

"I have been in hospital with long-COVID, bed bound after many PEM episodes. The symptoms progressed slowly at first, then rapidly from November until now. I'm still bed bound and trying to be careful not to trigger another PEM."

[This lady watched our Next Steps to Recovery Webinar from her hospital bed. Three weeks later after 'lots of practice calming my system', she said...]

"Thanks for that! That’s given me the confidence to get on with my recovery. I’ve just been in the gym with the physio. Lots of walking and some strength training. I’m feeling really good and the physio says I’ll be going home soon. I wouldn’t be anywhere near that without the Next Steps to Recovery webinar!"

[Another week later]
"I thought you guys might like to know that I’ve made a ‘miracle’ recovery. I came home from hospital yesterday. I’m now only limited by the decompensation caused by having been bed bound for 2 months! I’ve visited friends, gone to the shops and library today and done a few chores. Once I get fit again there will be no stopping me! I can't thank you enough!"

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