Anxiety … good bye!

Anxiety … good bye!

Kate had to quit her Masters degree and her job, due to chronic fatigue syndrome and anxiety, which began in 2016. Here is her wonderful update, just one month after attending The Switch.

"Life has been pretty bloody amazing!!

I flew to Wellington this weekend to see my partner – not one bit of anxiety was done at any stage most notably around the flying, it was incredible! It felt like my body sort of wanted to do anxiety out of habit but then I realized I actually just don’t know how to do anxiety at all anymore!

I have been going like the clappers in my teaching course, which has been so satisfying. I feel a relaxed tired in my evenings because I have been busy ALL day learning SO much, which is actually a really nice feeling. I haven’t done any brain fog or chronic fatigue for ages now. I have occasionally used the balanced breathing once or twice to stop a stress response, which works a treat every time. In the past, doing this teaching course would have been a big trigger for me to do lots of stress and anxiety, but it’s just so easy to handle challenges these days. I have also noticed that making time for myself is actually happening and I don’t feel guilty about it.

Another big thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t need to please people all the time anymore and I am much more direct about saying or doing what I feel. It’s been a bit to get used to for me and my family, but it’s been so good and only positive things have come out of it!

Life is great! Thanks again Mel, The Switch has genuinely changed my life!"

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