500th client – HUGE change from Lupus!

500th client – HUGE change from Lupus!

"I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus in 2008.

For 12 years I was in and out of hospital, on extreme medication which at one point made all of my hair fall out and caused a whole host of other issues and side effects. I had chronic skin rashes every time sunlight touched my skin, I got UTI’s monthly, I was constantly exhausted – napping everyday, had chronic nausea to the point of being bed ridden at times, got vasculitis so bad that I couldn’t walk as my feet and lower legs were so blistered and painful… and so, so much more! In short, I just wasn’t living and in some desperate moments I wished I would just hurry up and die.

For over a decade I searched for a cure daily. I purchased every natural supplement that promised improvement, tried every diet and juice and water fasts. I tried veganism, paleo AIP, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and numerous other treatments. Nothing had worked. Deep down though, I knew my body had the ability to heal itself.

When The Switch was first recommended to me I didn’t hesitate. I watched all of the videos online, read as much information as I could and booked onto the course that same day.
On Day 3 of the switch I left Mel’s practice Lupus free after 12 years. I knew it was gone, I could feel it. I could feel the cells in my limbs vibrate with energy. My whole outlook on life changed that day. I have not needed 1 nap since. I have as much energy as a child. I have not experienced any pain at all. I have not had any UTI’s. I have not had any skin reactions despite spending the last month at the beach. I don’t ever remember feeling this good!
Just one month after completing The Switch, I have stopped the immune suppressant Immuran, I’ve halved the dose of hydroxychloriquine, I’m down from 20mg of prednisone to 5mg and will continue to taper until I am drug free. All with zero symptoms!

I am now alive again! I will be forever grateful to Mel and her program The Switch for empowering me and teaching me how to get my life back. This program is worth 100x its cost – even more! Can you put a price on your ability to truly live?

If anyone with an autoimmune condition is reading this – if you want your life back, you must do The Switch! I am happy to talk to anyone with SLE Lupus and share my experience with you."

[Note: This is Kate’s experience of recovery.  It is not yet verified by blood tests, though other clients have confirmed the absence of lupus with blood tests and have stunned their doctors!]

Are You Ready For The Switch?