"Hi Mel,
Reporting back to you is a lovely reminder of the skills we learned a month ago and how far those skills have, on reflection, carried me.
Three positives
1. I have not had any symptoms in the past five weeks!
2. I have been working towards my ambition of remaining relaxed in situations that may be perceived as ‘stressful’. The night before my exam last week, I Switched and fell asleep within 20 minutes, waking feeling refreshed and relaxed. The morning of the exam, I studied well before eating a good lunch and easing my way into the exam itself. This represents a milestone for me, realising a vision of the person I wanted to be a few months ago. I feel this is a result of the Deep Switch and Quick Switching more times than I can remember!
3. A family friend messaged me last week to say, “despite your health set back last year, you are the epitome of health and happiness”. It’s a boost when others notice the changes that I’ve been working on!"