Kezia caught COVID in the UK and was in hospital, breathless and fearing her death when she heard that her uncle had just died of COVID. She pulled through but was so ill with long-COVID that she had to return to NZ to live with her parents, unable to work or take care of herself. Eight months later, she discovered The Switch and made a fast and full recovery! View her interview on The Recovery Project with Richie Barnett and Mel Abbott as she shares insights into her illness and her recovery.
* Disclaimer: Mel Abbott is not a medically trained doctor. She is trained in psychology and neuro-linguistic programming. She uses mind-body interventions to help calm the stress response and allow natural healing to occur in the body. This can be used alongside mainstream treatments if you choose. She does not offer diagnoses or medication advice. She recommends that clients return to their doctors after her treatment to confirm that they no longer have their condition and to be advised about safe weaning from their medication.
Mel does careful assessments prior to the programme and only offers places to people whom she thinks would benefit from it. She follows up with all her clients at several junctions after their course and collates the data from their feedback forms to produce the statistics on this website. She is therefore confident that her interventions are helping over 80% of her clients to achieve significant improvements to their health. While many clients report that they have made a full recovery, Mel cannot guarantee this outcome. So far there are no independent research studies or peer reviewed journal articles about The Switch®, though she would welcome such studies to take place.
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