How to prepare for your Switch course
You don't have to wait till your course to start getting changes. Watch these pre-course movies to gain vital understanding about course principles and work through any issues or blocks that show up for you. Some people notice that they start getting improvements just from this pre-course work!
Before attending The Switch, it is useful for you to understand the concept of neuro-plasticity. This short movie will help you to see how your brain creates new pathways when you think new thoughts.
Role of Stress
One of the core concepts of The Switch is that stress is the leading cause of chronic illness.
Watch this seminar that I held to understand more about the role of stress in chronic illness.
Role of Emotions
Another core concept from The Switch is that it is important to find the underlying cause of illness (often an emotional state) and resolve it, so that your body can restore health.
Watch this movie to find out more about how emotions are stored in the body.
Role of Thoughts
Another core concept from The Switch is that your thoughts are very powerful in creating good or bad outcomes to your health. Here is the science behind how your thoughts are actually creating physical changes in your body.