Insomnia – gone! “Sleep is amazing!”

Insomnia – gone! “Sleep is amazing!”

"The past 2 weeks have been amazing. I left the course on the final day, full of energy and enthusiasm. I drove the 6 hours home through evening Auckland rush hour traffic, singing and actually enjoying the drive. That night, I started sleeping. I have since slept every night since, rarely requiring a switch or two or balanced breathing in the night. I haven’t taken another sleeping pill since leaving the course! Most nights, I go to bed when I’m tired around 10pm, sleep the entire night without waking and wake up refreshed 7-8 hours later. I’m a much happier mum and am doing calm when my kids start to press my buttons. I’m eating all of the foods that I thought would cause me to do insomnia and have proven that they won’t actually cause me to do insomnia, while rediscovering the flavours of things such as carrot cake and cookies’n’cream ice cream. My relationship with my husband and two boys has improved noticeably. I’m trying new things and more outgoing when meeting new people. I have become more accepting of myself and more at peace with the world around me. I have also realised now, how much I was doing anxiety back before the course. I’m still doing Switches every day but I’m finding that I require them less and less. Thanks so much for helping me to get my life back. Sleep is amazing!"

Are You Ready For The Switch?